Please use the following guidelines when preparing digital files for Budgetcard
Artwork must be to size:
Download product templates at
Colors must be defined as either Pantone® or CMYK colors. Art submitted as RGB will be converted to CMYK. Converting colors from RGB to CMYK may change their appearance.
Text must be at least 6 point type. Small bold and/or condensed text should be kerned out to avoid spaces filling in when printed.
Reverse Printing:
We do not recommend printing logos with fine lines in reverse, as fine lines will fill in when printed. Text printed in reverse must be bold and at least 6 point type.

Clearances & Bleeds:
Clearances are the minimum space required between elements of art and the finished edge of the product. We require that Ad Copy be 1/8” in from all template edges, ruler scales, holes & slots. Bleed is the distance the ink extends past the finished edge of the product before final cutting. Our Standard bleed is 1/8” (.125”). Raster files must allow for the required bleed when submitted because they are not editable like vector files.
Ruler Scales:
Must bleed 1⁄8”, and the shortest increments on scales must be at least 1⁄8”. Customer agrees to a 1/32" tolerance on ruler scales. These are not precision instruments, and should be used accordingly. Inches and cm’s on front are standard. Architectural and Engineering scales available at no additional charge, but must be noted on order.
BUDGETCARD Stock Ruler Scales

Badge Attachments:
For pricing, see OPTIONS under items ET-30; ET-40; ET-50 and ET-60.
For other badge
contact factory
Please use the following guidelines when preparing digital files for Budgetcard
Software/File Format: Only professional design software packages may be used to produce artwork. Programs such as Microsoft Word, Publisher and Power Point are not capable of producing quality art files needed for imprinting purposes.
Budgetcard Preferred: Adobe Creative Suite CC
Illustrator® (.ai) is our graphics department’s preferred layout software. Colors must be defined as either spot or CMYK. To avoid font problems, all text must be converted to curves/outlines, or font file(s) must be included/attached via email. When a clipping path is needed, create it by using pen tools and establish the fewest number of control points possible. Complex clipping paths may lead to additional art charges.
Photoshop® (.psd) We use Photoshop to edit and correct all photographic images and complex illustrations. If raster artwork is the only art available, submitting unflattened art files at 600 dpi is required for best printing results. Changing the resolution of an image from, for example, 72ppi to 300ppi will not amend the appearance of the file — it will instead cause a blown out or low resolution appearance. Images should be sized accordingly with all bleeds (if applicable) & clearances accounted for.
InDesign® (.indd) As with all submitted work, images should be sized accordingly with all bleeds (if applicable) and clearances accounted for. All fonts and image files must be included and provided upon submission.
Email Guidelines: Our e-mail address for submitting artwork is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E-mailed art files cannot exceed 5MB. Files larger than 5MB should be compressed with a program such as Stuffit, submitted on CD/DVD, or uploaded to our FTP site. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for FTP instructions and password.
Subject: E-mail messages should include Company Name, Quote Number and the Purchase Order Number associated with the attached artwork. “artwork for Mark-Gold Promotions - PO#4822.”
Art Charges/Billing: Any required work such as typesetting, color separation, touch-up, creating bleeds, adding crop marks, etc. is subject to an art charge. Time spent preflighting/troubleshooting files (corresponding with client, searching for logos/type fonts, etc.) is also subject to an art charge. Please note that deliveries are likely to run longer if Budgetcard prepares your art for you. Budgetcard bills $50(v) per hour for artwork. We will advise the client if their art charge exceeds $40(v) and does not appear on the purchase order as a line item “estimated art charge”. Client will also be advised if their art charge exceeds the estimated art charge by more than $40 (v).
Variable Data: Data files should be supplied as either Microsoft Excel, dBase, or as delimited text files. Files will be produced in the order supplied unless otherwise specified on your document. Programming Charge is $50 (v). Consecutive Numbering does not require a data file (and does not require a programming charge), please specify the starting number and number of digits on the purchase order.
Stock PMS Colors (No Charge):

Plates or Screens: $25 (v) 1 color front. For 1/1 up to 4/4 $50 (v). Reorder set-ups are 1⁄2 of original set-up charge.
PMS Ink Matches: BUDGETCARD offers 27 standard PMS colors at no additional charge (see above). Any standard PMS color is available. PMS match on white stock is $30 (v). Due to additional time required, a PMS match on a colored stock is $120 (v). Budgetcard will make every effort to match the PMS color requested, however we do not guarantee an exact PMS match. Ink matches can vary by one shade +/-. (See stock PMS color chart above).
Colored Stock: Available upon request